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The Kill Factor

Author: Oliver, Ben

Item Code: 100131353

Product Type Book

Format Paperback

ISBN 9781915947246


  • Description
  • Details

In a world where social media is everything and followers equal money, Emerson is facing a prison sentence. Then, she’s offered a way out—a brand new gameshow for young felons that combines social media and reality TV. The first prize? Freedom—and a comfortable life for Emerson’s little brother. But if she loses? Incarceration for life. The games kick off on a remote island with the prison at its heart. Little do the viewers or contestants know the prison is empty—and the truth about why is even more brutal than the games themselves ...

Genre: Adventure Stories, Thrillers, Science Fiction, Family & Home Stories Subject: People & Places Reading Level: Lower Secondary, Middle Secondary, Upper Secondary School Year: Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 Ages: 14 to 18 Page Count: 384

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