

The Animal Book (Miles Kelly)

Item Code: 100130505

Product Type Book

Format Hardback

ISBN 9781805443384

Series: Miles Kelly


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The Animal Book is the ultimate encyclopedia, exploring the majesty and drama of the animal kingdom. Packed with hundreds of awe-inspiring photographs and mind-blowing facts, children aged 9 will be pulled in and engrossed from start to finish. The Animal Book looks at amazing natural events such as the life cycle of the Emperor penguin, awesome mammals such as the dancing sifaka, and deadly predators such as the great white shark.

Genre: Non Fiction / Reference, Animal Stories Subject: Picture Books, Encyclopaedias Reading Level: Upper Primary, Lower Secondary, Middle Secondary, Upper Secondary, Middle Primary School Year: Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12 Ages: 9 to 18 Page Count: 160
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