

The Treasures of the Kingdom (Geronimo Stilton: The Kingdom of Fantasy #16)

Author: Stilton,Geronimo

Item Code: 100126494

Product Type Book

Format Hardback

ISBN 9781339005997

Series: Geronimo Kingdom of Fantasy


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Geronimo's sixteenth adventure in the Kingdom of Fantasy! I, Geronimo Stilton, have been called to the Kingdom of Fantasy so many times. Each visit is more of an adventure than the last! This time there was big trouble! Queen Imaginaria has been kidnapped. The evil witch is using her wand to take treasures from the kingdom. Can I help stop the evil witch before all the treasures are gone?

Genre: Adventure Stories, Family & Home Stories, Animal Stories Subject: People & Places, Mysteries & Mythology Reading Level: Lower Primary, Upper Primary, Middle Primary School Year: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 Ages: 7 to 10 Page Count: 304
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