


  • Description

  • A positive exploration of neurodiversity, which combines history and science with child-friendly introductions to different disorders and inspiring examples of neuro-divergent individuals and their unique experiences.
  • This book fills a gap in the market - most neurodiversity books are aimed at one particular neurodiversity and do not cover a range of disorders, including OCD, Autism, and ADHD.
  • Written by Louise Gooding, a neurodiverse children's author with personal experience of ADHD and a neurodiverse family, an Inclusive Minds Ambassador, and a member of SCBWI (The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators).
  • This title will appeal to a wide range of consumers - about 30-40% of the UK population are thought to be neurodiverse, with dyslexia, ADHD, and dyspraxia being among the most prevalent disorders (ADHD Aware, 2022).

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