

Dolphin Dreaming (Ella Diaries #24)

Author: Costain, Meredith

Illustrator: McDonald,Danielle

Item Code: 100099859

Product Type Book

Format Paperback

ISBN 9781761123061

Series: Ella Diaries


  • Description
  • Details

WARNING: You are about to read my UTTERLY BIGGEST SECRETS. Can I trust you? OK then. I’m Ella, and this is my diary.

Ella DREAMS that one day she could see a dolphin in the wild. And when she and Zoe meet Mila, Ella's dream might come TRUE! But their holiday at misty point isn't all ICE-CREAMS and BOOGIEBOARDING. Ella and Zoe make a TERRIBLE discovery!

Genre: Family & Home Stories, Humorous Stories Subject: People & Places Reading Level: Upper Primary, Middle Primary School Year: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 Ages: 7 to 10 Page Count: 144

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